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Sandbox providers are providers designed to allow integrators of the Qard API to test their implementations and integrations of our data without requiring them to first find a prospective customer willing to contribute their own accounts. It does so by providing a set of fixture data, that is accessed the same way any other provider's data would, by synchronizing it, and then fetching it from the appropriate endpoints.

Here are the sandbox providers for your tests:

Banking sandbox_openbankingThe Sandbox Banking provider simulates the flow of requiring the user to authorize access to their data. To finalize the connection of this provider, you will have to manually navigate to the url described the field redirect_url, simulating the actions of a user.
Public data sandbox_publicThe Public data Sandbox provider simulates a public data provider, and so does not need to simulate a user authorizing access to their data.
To simulate an invalid Background Check, you can create :
  • a legal user with one of these SIREN numbers:
      • 824256283
      • 500761564
      • 894401405
      • 500761564
      • 822748182
      • 833618093
  • or a natural user with this informations:
      • Lastname : Doe
      • Firstname : John
      • Birthdate : 1900-01-01
Private data sandbox_privateThe Sandbox Private provider simulates the flow of requiring the user to authorize access to their data. To finalize the connection of this provider, you will have to manually navigate to the url described the field redirect_url, simulating the actions of a user.
Commercial sandbox_commerceThe Sandbox Commerce provider simulates the flow of requiring the user to authorize access to their data. To finalize the connection of this provider, you will have to manually navigate to the url described the field redirect_url, simulating the actions of a user.

Sandboxes Integration

1. Enable the Sandbox

(PUT) /api/v6/providers/sandbox_commerce
"enable": true

2. Settings Sandbox provider:

(PUT) /api/v6/providers/sandbox_commerce/settings
"auto_connect": (true|false)

3. Create Sandbox data connection:

(POST) /api/v6/users/{userId}/data-connections
"requested_data_types": [
"provider_name": "sandbox_commerce"

3.1 Simulate the user authorization by navigating to the redirect_url find in the response body:

Extra step only for the following providers : sandbox_commerce, sandbox_openbanking and sandbox_private.

"redirect_url": "",

3. Create a synchronization:

After validating that the data connection status is CONNECTED, you can run a new synchronization.

(POST) /api/v6/users/{userId}/sync
"data_types": [