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Input User

Input User is a provider that allows you to add or modify information for a model (Officer, BeneficialOwners, etc.). After adding these data to the respective endpoints, you need to activate this provider, create the data connection, and launch the synchronizations to be able to retrieve these data from the endpoints.

The data from this provider takes priority over data from other providers.

  • Company Officer: to retrieve a list of company officiers.
  • Beneficial Owner: to retrieve a list of beneficial owners.
  • Conformity Check: to retrieve a list of verification for company, officers, beneficial owners or background check v2 nodes.
  • Tax return: to retrieve a list of user tax returns.

Test Input User integration:

1. Enable Input User provider:

(PUT) /api/v6/providers/input_user
"enable": true

2. Settings Input User provider:

(PUT) /api/v6/providers/input_user/settings
"auto_connect": true

3. Create Input User data connection:

(POST) /api/v6/users/{userId}/data-connections
"requested_data_types": [
"provider_name": "input_user"

4. Create a synchronization:

After validating that the data connection status is CONNECTED, you can run a new synchronization.

(POST) /api/v6/users/{userId}/sync
"data_types": [

To verify that you are receiving the right data, check out these endpoints:

  • GET /api/v6/users/{userId}/company-officers
  • GET /api/v6/users/{userId}/beneficial-owners
  • GET /api/v6/users/{userId}/conformity-checks
  • GET /api/v6/users/{userId}/tax-returns