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Through our partnership with Complycube we automate your identity verification, Know your customer (KYC) and Know Your Business (KYB) compliance workflows.

This provider supports these data types:

  • Conformity Check: to retrieve a list of verification for company, officers, beneficial owners or background check v2 nodes.

Test ComplyCube integration:

1. Enable ComplyCube provider:

(PUT) /api/v6/providers/comply_cube
"enable": true

2. Settings ComplyCube provider:

(PUT) /api/v6/providers/comply_cube/settings
"auto_connect": false,
"extensive_screening_check": true,
"company_check": true,
"officers_check": true,
"beneficial_owners_check": true,
"background_check_nodes_check": true,
"actives_check": true,
"executives_check": true

extensive_screening_check: boolean to determine whether to perform an extensive or standard check. Corresponding to expansion of verified lists: extensive PEP coverage, verification of adverse media and other sanctions lists (tax sanctions, corruption, etc.).

company_check: boolean determines if you want to verify the compliance of the company.

officers_check: boolean determines if you want to verify the compliance of the executives officers.

beneficial_owners_check: boolean determines if you want to verify the compliance of the beneficial Owners.

background_check_nodes_check: boolean that determines if you want to verify the compliance of all the background check v2 mapping entities.

actives_check: boolean allows filtering of officers(legal and natural) and beneficial owners with an active role, located at most at level 2 in the backgroundCheck tree.

executives_check: boolean allows filtering of `natural officers with an executive role, located at most at level 2 in the backgroundCheck tree, as well as the beneficial owners directly linked to the company.


actives_check and executives_check are taken into account only if you enable the officers_check, beneficial_owners_check, or background_check_nodes_check settings, or all three.

3. Create ComplyCube data connection:

(POST) /api/v6/users/{userId}/data-connections
"requested_data_types": ["CONFORMITY_CHECK"],
"provider_name": "comply_cube"

4. Create a synchronization:

After validating that the data connection status is CONNECTED, you can run a new synchronization.

(POST) /api/v6/users/{userId}/sync
"data_types": ["CONFORMITY_CHECK"]

To verify that you are receiving the conformity checks done on the user and related entities, check out this endpoints:

  • GET /api/v6/users/{userId}/conformity-checks