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The Shopify platform offers online retailers a suite of services including payments, marketing, shipping and customer engagement tools.

This provider supports these data types:

Connect your Shopify app

To retrieve data from companies using Shopify, you have to connect your Shopify application with Qard. To do that, you'll have to:

  1. Create a Shopify application if you don't have one yet.
  2. Connect your application to Qard API using Shopify credentials (clientId & clientSecret).
  3. Test your integration by creating a new synchronization using Shopify provider.

Create a shopify application:


If you already have an account, you can skip this part.

  1. Go to the Shopify partners register page and create a new partner account.
  2. On applications page, create a new application.
  3. Select public application.
  4. Enter the URL application.
  5. Enter Qard callback URI ( in the "Allowed redirection URL(s)" field.
  6. After Submitting the form, your credentials (API KEY and API SECRET KEY) will be available.

Set up your Shopify application feature:

  1. Go to the Shopify partner Applications page and follow the guide.
  2. Select your application and click on Application setup.
  3. Complete your application information and Request access to orders, subscriptions...
  4. You will be contacted by Shopify within 1-7 business days.

1. Update Shopify provider credentials:

(PUT) /api/v6/providers/shopify/credentials
"credentials": {
"client_id": "API_KEY",
"client_secret": "API_SECRET_KEY"

2. Settings Shopify provider:

(PUT) /api/v6/providers/shopify/settings
"auto_connect": (true|false)

3. Enable Shopify provider:

(PUT) /api/v6/providers/shopify
"enable": true

Test Shopify integration:

You can test Shopify integration by creating a new data connection for your user.

(POST) /api/v6/users/{userId}/data-connections
"requested_data_types": [
"provider_name": "shopify"

After finishing the connecting process by your user, and after validating that the data connection status is CONNECTED, you can run a new synchronization.

(POST) /api/v6/users/{userId}/sync
"data_types": [

To verify that you are receiving your user's commerce data, check out these endpoints:

  • GET /api/v6/users/{userId}/commerce-locations
  • GET /api/v6/users/{userId}/commerce-customers
  • GET /api/v6/users/{userId}/commerce-products
  • GET /api/v6/users/{userId}/commerce-orders