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Commerce Order

By default, the Commerce Order's history is 12 months.

iduuidUnique identifier (UUID) - e.g. "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"
order_numberstringFriendly reference for the order in the platform
statusstringOrder status - Possible values :
  • PAID
fulfillment_statusstringThe status of the fulfillment for the order - Possible values :
fulfillmentsarray of CommerceOrderFulfillmentArray of Fulfillment objects
line_itemsarray of CommerceOrderLineItemArray of line items in the order
billing_addressAddressThe billing address of the customer for the order
shipping_addressAddressThe shipping address of the customer for the order
customer_iduuidUUID of the customer concerned by the order
total_shippingMoneyThe sum of all shipping costs.
total_discountMoneyThe sum of all discounts applied to the total price.
total_tax_amountMoneyThe total tax paid on the order.
total_amountMoneyThe sum of all line item prices, discounts, shipping, taxes, and tips in the shop currency. Must be positive.
source_created_atdatetimeDate on which the product was created (as given by the source provider).
source_updated_atdatetimeDate on which the product was updated (as given by the source provider).
transactionsarray of stringsArray of Transaction UUIDs associated with the Order (payments, refund, ...)
source_transactionsarray of stringsArray of source transaction id of PSP associated with the Order
provider_namestringName of the provider the data is coming from (informational field) - e.g. "Paypal", "Stripe", ...
data_connection_iduuidUUID of the data connection leading to this data

CommerceOrderFulfillment object

iduuidUnique identifier (UUID) - e.g. "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"
carrierstringCarrier company, ex "USPS", "Fedex", "UPS", "Canada Post", etc. Can be any string
servicestringCarrier shipping service, e.g. "Priority Mail", "2 Days delivery", etc. Can be any string
tracking_urlsarray of stringsURLs to access the tracking service
tracking_numbersarray of stringsOrder tracking numbers
line_itemsCommerceOrderFulfillmentLineItemThe product variants and quantities associated as part of this fulfillment

CommerceOrderFulfillmentLineItem object

product_iduuidUUID of the product represented in the Fulfillment Line Item.
product_variant_iduuidUUID of the product variant represented in the Fulfillment Line Item.
quantityintegerThe number of the variant fulfilled

CommerceOrderLineItem object

idstringIdentifier of the line item, unique to the order.
titlestringTitle text of the line item
quantityintegerThe number of the variant sold
unit_priceMoneyThe price per unit of the variant associated with this line item
total_amountMoneyTotal cost of all of the products associated with this line item added together
product_iduuidUUID of the product represented in the Line Item.
product_variant_iduuidUUID of the product variant represented in the Line Item.