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This data type shows a list of legal information about companies, usually gathered from their official registrations.

These information can be obtained by research with the endpoint /companies. You can performed the research with either :

  • The registration number or the company name
  • The officer lastname and the officer birthdate (yyyy-mm-dd)

It gives an overview of their identification.

The Companies' history is regardless of the month history current setting.

namestringMain denomination of the company. This may be different from their business/commercial names.
registration_numberstringCode for the official registration of the company. In France, this is the SIREN number.
registration_datedateDate of the registration of the company as an organization with economical stakes. The registered organization does not have to be a commercial company, as associations and administrations for example will also register themselves.
French: Date d'enregistrement de la société a l'INSEE
insee_closing_datedateDate at which the organization has officially shutdown and registered itself as closed.
French: Date de cloture a l'Insee
rncs_registration_datedateDate of the registration of the organization as a commercial company. Not all organizations/legal entities need to register as such. Public adminstration organizations, associations, and single-person companies, for example, do not need to register as commercial companies.
French: Date d'enregistrement au RCS
rncs_closing_datedateDate at which the company was struck off from the trade and companies registry. This usually, but not always, accompanies the dissolution and/or closing of the company.
French: Date de radiation/cloture au RCS
registration_courtRegistration courtA registration court object
legalLegalA legal object
activityActivityActivity registered for the company
capitalCapitalA capital object
addressAddressA address object

Registration court

namestringName (location) of the local commercial registry where the company has its main commercial registration. It may have other registrations if it operates in different regions, and this contains the main registration if it is at all registered.
French: Nom du greffe
codestring4-digit code of the local commercial registry where the company is registered.
French: Code greffe
person_typestringType of person from the point of view of the law, can be either
formstringName of the legal form of the company.
code_formstringCode of the legal form of the company.


This object represents an activity exercised by a company. The codes and names follow French norms.

ape_codestringActivity Code. This identifies a sector of activity.
ape_code_typestringActivity Code naming scheme. The naming scheme evolved several times since its inception, and not all naming schemes are compatible with their succeeding version. French: Type de code APE
ape_namestringTitle of the activity identified by the code. This is a short name for the activity identified by `ape_code`.


typestringType of capital stock.
  • F for fixed
  • V for variable
amountintAmount (money) of capital stock
currencyCurrencyCurrency of the capital stock


citystringName of the city
postal_codestringCode of the city within the country
countrystringAn ISO code of the country