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Companies autocomplete

This data type allows to autocomplete the name of a company and shows a list of legal information about companies, usually gathered from their official registrations.

These information can be obtained by research with the endpoint /companies-autocomplete. You can performed the research with either :

  • The company name
  • The Registration number

It gives an overview of their identification.

namestringMain denomination of the company. This may be different from their business/commercial names.
registration_numberstringCode for the official registration of the company. In France, this is the SIREN number.
registration_datedateDate of the registration of the company as an organization with economical stakes. The registered organization does not have to be a commercial company, as associations and administrations for example will also register themselves.
French: Date d'enregistrement de la société a l'INSEE
insee_closing_datedateDate at which the organization has officially shutdown and registered itself as closed.
French: Date de cloture a l'Insee
rncs_registration_datedateDate of the registration of the organization as a commercial company. Not all organizations/legal entities need to register as such. Public adminstration organizations, associations, and single-person companies, for example, do not need to register as commercial companies.
French: Date d'enregistrement au RCS
rncs_closing_datedateDate at which the company was struck off from the trade and companies registry. This usually, but not always, accompanies the dissolution and/or closing of the company.
French: Date de radiation/cloture au RCS
registration_courtRegistration courtA registration court object
legalLegalA legal object
activityActivityActivity registered for the company
addressAddressA address object
capitalCapitalA capital object