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Infogreffe is the economic interest group that federates French Trade and Companies Registrars. This is the primary way to obtain digital copies of documents that can only be issued by a registrar, such as a trade registration extract, or a normally private financial statement.

To use this provider, you need an Infogreffe account. You can request that Qard set one up for your use in the provider, or supply your own. The provider needs to be able to sign-in into the account to be used for the provider.

Please note that multiple successive failed login attempts may lock the account. Hence, you need to make sure that the supplied password matches the clientId. In case your account is locked, you may need to request its reinitialization, or otherwise a password reset.

This provider supports these data types:

Test Infogreffe integration:

1. Update Infogreffe provider credentials:

  • client_id : This is the account number, name or the email, that serves as the username when logging into infogreffe
  • password : this is the account password.
(PUT) /api/v6/providers/infogreffe/credentials
"credentials": {
"client_id": "INFOGREFFE_CLIENT_ID",

2. Settings Infogreffe provider:

(PUT) /api/v6/providers/infogreffe/settings
"auto_connect": (true|false),
"confidential_only": (true|false)

3. Enable Infogreffe provider:

(PUT) /api/v6/providers/infogreffe
"enable": true

4. Create Infogreffe data connection:

(POST) /api/v6/users/{userId}/data-connections
"requested_data_types": [
"provider_name": "infogreffe"

4. Create a synchronization:

After validating that the data connection status is CONNECTED, you can run a new synchronization.

(POST) /api/v6/users/{userId}/sync
"data_types": [

To verify that you are receiving the right data, check out these endpoints:

  • GET /api/v6/users/{userId}/tax-returns
  • GET /api/v6/users/{userId}/tax-returns/{taxReturnId}
  • GET /api/v6/users/{userId}/tax-return-analysis
  • GET /api/v6/users/{userId}/financial-statements
  • GET /api​/v6​/users​/{userId}​/registration-proof

By default, Infogreffe data type work this way:

  • FINANCIAL_STATEMENT : when it is synchronized. By default, it will get the last 2 financial statements (Fr:Comptes annuels) available. Regardless the year. You can modify through the month history.
  • TAX_RETURN : when it is synchronized. By default, it will get the last 2 tax return (Fr: Liasse fiscale) available. Regardless the year. You can modify through the month history.
  • REGISTRATION_PROOF : you can only synchronize this data type once a day.