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Tax Return Analysis

Tax return analyses are analyses computed from the data contained in Tax returns.

Warning Synchronization of TAX_RETURN_ANALYSIS will fail if Tax return has no


The Tax Return Analysis' history is regardless of the month history current setting.

Dependencies: Tax Return.

closing_yearyearYear on which the described fiscal year ended.
closing_datedatetimeDate on which the described fiscal year ended.
balance_sheetBalance sheetA snapshot of the assets and liabilities of the company at the time of filing the statement.
income_statementIncome statementA profit and loss statement, that describes the company's performance mainly.
ratiosRatiosAdditional ratios and values computed from the tax return.

Balance sheet

assetsAssets balance sheetBalance sheet of company assets, the material and immaterial things owned by the company that can be valued.
French: Actif
liabilitiesLiabilities balance sheetBalance sheet of company liabilities, the debts and obligations that bind the company.
French: Passif

Income statement

total_revenueIndicatorGross revenue for the year.
export_salesIndicatorRevenue made from exportations.
operating_revenueIndicatorRevenue originated from the company's operations.
labour_expensesIndicatorSum of payroll and labour-related contributions
operating_costsIndicatorCosts associated with the business' daily operations and administration.
operating_incomeIndicatorProfit made from the company's operations, as the difference between the operating revenues and the operating costs.
net_income_before_taxesIndicatorSum of operating profit, financial profit, and share of profit from joint ventures
French: Resultat courant avant impots
net_incomeIndicatorNet profit/loss
French: Resultat net, or Benefice net


current_liabilitiesfloatLiabilities of the current fiscal year
French: Passif circulant, or Benefice net
valeur_ajouteefloatThe gross profit the company generated is the sum of the total revenues, and unsold-yet value produced, minus the costs of the base materials, leases, and other costs.
(Revenues + ValueOfProductsStored + SelfProduction)
- (BaseMaterialCosts + BaseMaterialStockVariation + GoodsCost + GoodsStockVariation + OtherExpenses + LeasingCosts + OtherCosts)
ebefloatThe gross income of the company is the sum of the total revenues, and value of products held, minus the costs of the base materials, leases, and other costs
(Revenues + Subsidies + ValueOfProductsStored + SelfProduction)
- (BaseMaterialCosts + BaseMaterialStockVariation + GoodsCost + GoodsStockVariation + OtherExpenses + LeasingCosts + OtherCosts)
- (Payroll + Taxes + SocialCharges)
french : Excédent Brut d'Exploitation
caffloatA company's self-financing capacity refers to the resources it generates on its own, meaning the difference between cashable products and expenses
French: Capacité d'autofinancement
working_capital_requirementfloatThe working capital requirement represent the company's short-term need for financing, and is calculated from the difference between its receivables accounts and its payables accounts. A positive value implies that the company is paid by its clients after it pays its suppliers, and a negative value implies the opposite.
French: Besoin en fonds de roulement (BFR)
gross_marginfloatThe gross margin is the ratio of the gross profit to the gross income for the sale of goods.
:warning: Note: It is a ratio, not a percentage.
GoodsSaleIncome - (GoodsCosts - GoodsStockVariation)

French: Marge brute
OperatingResult / TotalRevenues
NetProfit / TotalRevenues
rentabilite_economiquefloatEquivalent to return_on_equity
EBE / (TotalEquity + FinancialDebts)
(TotalStockValue * 365) / (TotalRevenues - OperatingResult)
(Receivables * 365) / TotalRevenues
(PayablesAccounts * 365) / ((GoodsPurchases + BaseMaterialPurchases + OtherExpenses) * (1 + VatRate))
LongTermDebts / SelfFinancingCapability
production_stockeefloatStored production
production_immobiliseefloatSelf-production describes the work that a company poured into its own equipment, facilities, and other assets.
tax_expensesfloatPaid taxes and similar expenses
retained_earningfloatProfits kept by the company (after paying shareholders if that happened)
current_ratiofloatDifference between current assets and current liabilities
debt_to_assets_ratiofloatThe ratio of total debts (or liabilities, in the case of a Simplified tax declaration) to total assets
debt_to_equity_ratiofloatThe ratio of total equity (or liabilities, in the case of a Simplified tax declaration) to total assets
debt_to_income_ratiofloatA ratio of pre-tax result to debts
NetProfit / TotalRevenues
(CurrentAssets - ValueOfProductsStored) / TotalRevenues



Assets balance sheet

total_assetsIndicatorFrench: Total actif
fixed_assetsIndicatorFrench: Actif immobilise
current_assetsIndicatorFrench: Actif circulant
receivablesIndicatorClient receivables total value
cash_availableIndicatorCash available to the company
French: Disponibilités

Liabilities balance sheet

equityIndicatorFrench: Capitaux propres.
share_premium_accountIndicatorFrench: Primes d'émission, de fusion, d'apport (capitaux propres).
other_equityIndicatorFrench: Autres fonds propres.
total_liabilitiesIndicatorLiabilities such as debts, or payables total minus deferred income
long_term_liabilitesIndicatorLong term debts, such as loans
payableIndicatorFrench: Dettes fournisseurs et comptes rattachés.
taxe_liabilitiesIndicatorFrench: Dettes fiscales et sociales .
total_liabilities_equityIndicatorFrench: Total passif.


This is a basic object representing the value and progression of a KPI

valuefloatCurrent value of the KPI
progressionfloatProgression of the KPI. This is for now a ratio of the difference between the previous value and the current value, and the current value itself. It will only be set if a directly adjacent data exists, for example, the year preceding this one.